2019 DAUK ExCom candidate statement

Brett McHargue
2 min readMar 7, 2019


My name is Brett McHargue and I am running to serve on the Democrats Abroad UK Executive Committee.

It’s not the White House, but I believe we all have a responsibility to make the changes we want to see in this world happen — to be in the room where it happens. I am a US citizen residing in the United Kingdom for 18 years. Early on I saw how DAUK became the driving force for political change from citizens living abroad. Our jobs and families may have moved us away, but we can still be in that room making it happen.

Why serve?

An active, lifelong Democrat, I know how important this next election is. I do believe Trump represents the dying breath of a party exhausted of ideas. He can only win through lies and distractions. If we allow the truth to be lost in the daily spectacle of Presidency-as-reality-tv, then we will have lost the opportunity to turn our country around. I watched this growing up in Texas, where a reliably Democratic (albeit conservative) state was transformed. I’ve watched it from afar as President Trump pushes away allies and clings closely to despots and dictators.

Past contributions?

I am a software developer and often apply my skills to assist political groups, whether as a Young Democrat in university, a database manager for Austin Lesbian/Gay Political Caucus or more recently assisting DAUK with website and email.

What do I want to achieve?

I think the work that DAUK has been doing has been great — I want to make sure it continues and to help lighten the load by assisting with technical projects to amplify that work to an even greater audience. Technology and social media are sharp tools and we need to use them well to win our case.

Unique skills or attributes?

I have been certified and have assisted with the DA website and emails. I helped set up the original PNR (called Policy Action Network back then). I work as a web developer for B2B commerce site and am fluent in social media technologies.

What can you do?

If you live in the UK and are a member, please do consider me for your vote.

Saturday, March 09, 2019 at 12pm — 5pm
David Game College
31 Jewry St
London EC3N 2ET
United Kingdom



Brett McHargue

Ruby on Rails developer, comic book and singing geek, traveler, DAUK Chair, Royal Choral Society (Bass)