2023 Nomination statement for DAUK Chair

Brett McHargue
2 min readFeb 4, 2023


London in 2022

I seek your vote to lead this great organization as Chair. Two years ago you entrusted me and my fellow officers with the task of knitting together the diverse parts of our incredible community. In the process, DAUK overcame many challenges, and we focused our efforts on electing good people to office back at home. Against all odds and with a heartfelt belief in our mission, we gained a seat in the Senate and kept the House to a razor thin margin for the opposition.

Our work continues from the tasks we set ourselves then. We need continuous improvement in our daily work as warriors for democracy. Together we have accomplished a great deal, from a laser focus on getting out the vote, to better use of online resources and greatly expanding the democratic opportunities in this very election. As we continue to move forward together, we have even more to do.

The lifeblood of any political movement today is data. Not just having, but how we use it.

  • Train our volunteers to use the data we have to engage and activate the tens and possibly hundreds of thousands of Democrats across the U.K.
  • Level up our internal and external communications and set up the structures necessary to deliver every possible vote to supply the margin of victory for 2024.
  • Use data and technology to hold real conversations with real people, so we can keep the Democratic Party grounded in our shared ideals — a government that speaks to the citizens’ hope and needs, for justice, equality and freedom for all.

I look forward to our upcoming conversation in this election cycle and beyond; our dialogue should continue on and continuously improve! Stay involved and keep talking with fearless equanimity in our journey forward together.



Brett McHargue

Ruby on Rails developer, comic book and singing geek, traveler, DAUK Chair, Royal Choral Society (Bass)